So, what could possible motivate to write on my blog after a 4 month hiatus? It's the new book edited by Nancy Leigh Demoss called, Voices of the True Woman Movement. Revive Our Hearts sent the book to me for free with the commitment that I had to write a review of each chapter. I needed some accountability to get back writing on my blog, so I thought this was just the ticket. (Not to mention that I LOVE free stuff!) Without further ado, here goes!
This book is a compilation of all the sermons/talks given at the True Woman '08 conference. I had the privilege to attend the conference in Chicago at that time. My friends, Nicole and Antoinette among others joined me on this trip. It truly left a lasting impression on my life as I can still remember so much of what was said. Pastor John Piper delivered the opening message and it is therefore the 1st chapter in the book.
Pastor John makes the statement that "Wimpy theology makes wimpy women." He gives examples of what the opposite of a wimpy woman looks like. She has courage to bear up under struggles when in the face of opposition, temptation, and fearful circumstances. Her trust in God's sovereignty leads her to glorify Him. I've been memorizing 1 Peter and as I read this chapter I continually thought of 1 Peter 1: 6-7 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The women that he highlighted had suffered great trials, but their faith was proved genuine because they withstood the trail to God's glory. Only He could strengthen and equip them to bear the death of loved ones, sickness, and imprisonment in a way that honored Christ. These women saw the God centered purpose for all things that came into their paths.
Pastor John says that true womanhood is a distinctive calling of God to display the glory of His Son in ways that would not be displayed if there were no womanhood. God knew that womanhood and manhood could display Christ's relationship with the church and therefore, he made me a woman.
So how do I glorify God as a woman? I do this, by living out His Word and living a life that is contrary to the world. To live out His Word, I must know His Word. It is my goal to spend time daily reading and memorizing the Bible. (More on Scripture Memory in the next post). I want to display Christ likeness to my husband and children, as well. As a wife, I seek to honor God by submitting to and honoring my husband. Whoa, that's a mouthful and not an easy task to accomplish. Serving my husband means putting his needs above my own. That can sometimes be very hard to do! It means, trusting God in decisions that Eddie makes and following him. Boy, do I need to meditate on that. But truly, submission should free me up to please God. I can trust that because God set the order of a household, He knows what is best. As I submit to Eddie's decisions, God is honored.
As the mom of 3 under 3 and 1 on the way, I have a home full of little disciples! They are watching to see how I respond to things, and how I use my time. Breezy, my 3 yo mimics nearly everything that I do. O, that I would show her the things of the Lord and she would follow me as I follow Christ.
Further, the Lord has placed other single ladies in my life. It has been my joy to ivite them into our home. "Doing life" around them has hopefully been a representation of the Gospel. I want to spread the aroma of Christ and make them long for Him.
How do you glorify God?
The Weekly Ramble – February 21, 2025
1 day ago
How wonderful that you could attend a True Woman conference!
Your commitment to memorizing Scripture is an inspiration to me in continuing my journey in this area.
Your thoughts on this chapter are similar to some of those I expressed in my own post on this topic. It is encouraging to know that we can uniquely glorify God as we live in the way he has called us to do.
God bless you as you serve Him and your lovely family.
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