Last week, I set some goals for the different roles that I have. Here they are, along with an update on how I did on them.
1. Read Bible everyday. (I missed 2 days last wk. I felt really bummed that I missed, but I decided not to dwell on it and live in defeat. I dusted myself off and kept trucking along. I'm using an adaptation of
this plan.)
2. Memorize Matthew 5:3-5 (The children and I completed verses 3-4)
Read Parts 2 and 3 of Steady Days and 2 chapters of
Raising Godly Tomatoes. (I finished
Steady Days and did not read any of RGT).
4. Exercise 3 times this week. (I only exercised once).
1. Listen to 1 hr of The Five Love Languages. (I enjoyed this audiobook so much that I listened to all 5 hours).
2. Memorzie 2 Cor. 5:1. (Eddie asked me to memorize 2 Cor. 5 with him. Unfortunatly, I didn't even print it out, so this will be back on the list for this week.)
Practice his love language 3 times. (Done!)
Read to kids Monday-Friday. (Done! We are almost through The Jesus Storybook Bible).
Get library books (Done!)
3. Continue with our daily routine. (We did this 3 out of 5 days).
House Manager:
1. Put budget on Pear Budget and discuss with Eddie. (I put in the numbers, but we did not discuss it).
Plan a cleaning schedule. (Done!)
3. Work the cleaning schedule everyday. (I did pretty good with this one 4 out of 5 days).
Friend/Older Woman:
1. Plan for Feminar. (We cancelled it because the kids were in Atlanta and Eddie and I wanted to spend time together.)
2. Meet with Porscha, Keisha, or Antoinette. (Talked with Porscha on the phone and had short text conversations with Keisha and Antoinette).
1. Spend 30 minutes working on blog (pics, design). (Didn't even try. I procrastinated badly here.)
2. Spend 30 minutes writing a blog post. (See #1. I put this back on the list for this week. This post is evidence that I'm knocking this goal out.)
3. Outline a talk I'm giving at Halley's school on Jan. 29th. (I didn't even start).
4. Work on a craft project. (I emailed some friends for help. Still have lots to do here.)
Even though I didn't complete all of my goals, I feel pleased with what I did get done. Writing out my goals gave direction to my week. I printed the goals out and put them on the side of the fridge and on my bathroom mirror. I believe seeing them in black and white helped me to focus.
Also, as I look over what I accomplished, I see that I didn't complete anything under the Dreamer Role. This bothers me because I want to be a dreamer and use the unique way that God has made me to let my light shine for Him.
I read on this morning that Crystal said by doing the hardest things first, she got a lot more done. So, this week, I'm going to make it my ambition to work in the Dreamer role (not so much because it's hard to write posts, but because I procrastinated so much in this area).
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